Saturday, August 15, 2009

Help Wanted...

The Cannon Log Cabin where students discover what life was like in 1847.

So I am still on the job hunt, very depressing. As I clean the house, search for jobs, put in applications, read, take care of our son etc., I am still feeling rather useless. I respect all those women who are "stay at home" status but, it is not my thing, and even it was it was, it's not financially possible for us. I am grateful for the time though because it has allowed me to do physical therapy from the accident and to start doing a lot of things I meant to do but didn't have time to accomplish while teaching five classes. But, I have still felt I need to be of further use, so while job searching I decided I would contact some local organizations to see if they had paid positions and if not if they have any volunteer opportunities.

The local county historical society responded to my e-mail about volunteering. So, I went in this week and toured the museum, the historical buildings, and saw all the behind the scenes operations like cataloguing and preservation techniques and procedures. I am going to start going in every Tuesday and putting my education to use for the community. I am looking forward to this because it means I can be of service to others and I will hopefully learn a lot about museum operations, preservation, and display of historical objects. Even if it is on a smaller scale, the types of work done in a location like this is the same as any large institution, so I think it will benefit me greatly, both personally, by being of service, and professionally by enhancing my skill set.
Wish me luck!
And so it goes...


EmFabulousFunshine said...

i think thats awesome! good luck with the volunteering, i think you will feel fabulous about it

EmFabulousFunshine said...

ps, tagged you in my blog

Cheryl said...

That sounds like a great opportunity! I've been thinking of doing he same here, maybe at Glide Memorial or the Peanuts Museum.

Being out of work, to put it mildly, is a challenge. It makes you question your choices, the things that brought you to this point. But if you believe there's a purpose to everything, then maybe this time is an opportunity to stretch yourself in ways you never would have imagined otherwise. And this new opportunity with the historical society, who knows what new doors your opening for yourself by spending time there!

Amethystmoon said...

Good luck! you never know what volunteering can lead to

Unknown said...

good luck with the job hunt. also, as a histroian, you might be interested in this artifact..

just dropping by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same.

tori said...

Hi T.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm still very new to this. I love your blog and we have a lot of common interests. I love history (not educated or anything in it)and art and architecture (and of course the where we live). Been doing the whole stay-at-home mom thing and it is tough-not sure it's for me either... looking forward to looking more at your blog!

Nanny Dee said...

I hope you are enjoying your time there -- it sounds like it would be very interesting and great for your resume.

Looking forward to hearing about it when you have time to post!

Native American Momma said...

That is great I think that volunteering is the best way to get yourself to a job anyways, plus it is good for everyone

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Hi! Stopping over from SITS Roll Call to visit.

I think that's a perfect way to spend your time - volunteering. Especially right now, in this economy, so many charitable and other organizations are in need of volunteers, and that one sounds like a perfect fit for you. I'm a true believer that everything happens for a reason, there is a reason that this happened to be available to you right now.

Best of luck with the job search!

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

That's so cool! I love historical attractions like that!

Blog Awards

Here are a few awards this blog has received thanks to some kind folks!

Friends and Favorites Award

Friends and Favorites Award
given 05/20/2009 by SquirrelQueen (

One Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award
given on 07/23/2009 by Juanita (