Friday, March 26, 2010

Allee Willis' Museum of Kitsch

A former student of mine just sent me a link to a website that was just too fantastic not to share. When I teach art appreciation there is a section on art criticism which includes a discussion of fine art versus kitsch, so this is totally perfect for that. I hope you enjoy it!! I have included a link to her site and a YouTube video of an interview on their local NBC station.

And so it goes...


tori said...

Wow I learned something new! Never knew what Kitsch was. I bookmarked this site. I think I could spend all day looking around :)

Allee Willis said...

Thanks for your kudos and appreciation! I've been deep into this conversation about art versus Kitsch for decades. Please visit the museum at and don't be shy about putting some stuff up there even if it's just an opinion. There's a constant discussion about this going on and some of the funniest stuff you'll ever see in the world there. I'm a midwest gal myself (Detroit, but living in LA for many years) and know the kitsch abounds there. I spent quite a lot of time in Chicago in 2007 when the musical I wrote, The Color Purple, was there for seven months.

Blog Awards

Here are a few awards this blog has received thanks to some kind folks!

Friends and Favorites Award

Friends and Favorites Award
given 05/20/2009 by SquirrelQueen (

One Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award
given on 07/23/2009 by Juanita (